
Ens & Outs outings are hikes, walks, trips, or activities with a specific coordinator/leader and a limited number of people who have signed up to participate. These activities can range from easy in-town walks to longer mountain hikes, a trip to the Tellus Science Museum, an overnight at the coast, a bicycle excursion or a kayak paddling trip. Occasionally a car-camping or backpack, and even, a 4th of July blueberry picking trip is offered. All outings depend on volunteers to plan and lead them, to whom we are grateful! Scroll down to view upcoming events!

IF YOU JOIN AN OUTING we ask that you accept and follow the standards in our Hiker's Guide: Trail Etiquette & Best Practices. Please download and keep them for your reference. Ens & Outs maintains these hiking standards to ensure the safety and enjoyment of everyone participating in an outing.