About Us

We invite you to get involved in our many activities. Sign up for a hike, attend a potluck, join a committee, lead an outing, bring a friend. Our primary form of communication is this website and email notifications of scheduled activities. Now that you are a member, look for an email advertising our events.

Our mission is to provide outings for experiencing and appreciating nature, and to educate participants on and support environmental concerns in Georgia. Ens & Outs is guided by a Steering Committee of members who meet quarterly to plan a calendar of activities and conduct the business of the organization.​

Ens & Outs is an Atlanta area environmental organization affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta (UUCA) that focuses on both Environmental issues and Outdoor activities, including hikes, walks, occasional overnight excursions, bicycle, and kayak trips; social events, potlucks, UUCA Wonderful Wednesday dinners, and periodic educational programs.

Read the answers to the most FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS here.

Ens & Outs activities is guided by elected individuals who serve in the various capacities listed below. The Committee meets quarterly to plan activities and review environmental efforts around the region.

Sam Aceil, Treasurer
Annie Archbold, Chairperson
David Dusenbery, Membership
Linda Frederick, Secretary
Konrad Hayashi, Board Nominations
Joy Kniskern, Social Activities
Maureen McAndrews, UUCA Liaison
Arthur Murphy, Environmental Liaison
Sharon Worsham, Communication

Ens & Outs was formed in the mid-1970’s by a group of early environmentalists at UUCA who wanted to hike together. In addition to outings, one of the original activities was a recycling center for glass, plastic, metal, newspapers established in the UUCA parking lot before the counties began their collection programs. In those days aluminum brought in significant income which was donated to UUCA and a variety of state environmental organizations. Ens & Outs was well known and respected by the GA environmental community. Founding members Roger Johnson, Nancy Wylie, and others worked successfully to help accomplish the creation of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area in which 48 miles of the Chattahoochee River corridor was preserved. For years, Roger regularly researched and reported Georgia environmental issues and legislation for the membership to take action. Early on, quarterly potlucks were held in homes to plan a calendar of activities that was communicated through a quarterly newsletter mailing.